The Bridge Rising (known in Gaelic as An Drochaid, or The Bridge) is a feature documentary about the struggle over many years by the islanders of Skye to rid themselves of the regime of tolls on the Skye Bridge. It interweaves a rich seam of contemporary and vintage archive footage with testimony from people on all sides of the debate - not only the protesters but the engineer who built the bridge and the politicians responsible for funding it, and removing the tolls. Featuring a beautiful Celtic and orchestral soundtrack by Scott Macmillan and the immortal pop tune 'Over the Sea' by Jesse Rae, reimagined by Nick Turner and Mary Ann Kennedy. It premiered at a special event co-hosted by the Glasgow Film Festival and Celtic Connections in 2014, and played widely in cinemas and with community groups across the UK.
Producer: Louise Scott for Media Co-Op Ltd. Co-producer: Stuart Creswell for Skye Lark Productions (Canada). Executive Producers: Lucinda Broadbent (Media Co-Op), Margaret Mary Murray (BBC ALBA) and Mark Thomas (Creative Scotland).